Another approach changes the underlying number.   Remember the original formula for the Ratio was '=C2/B2' for the first ratio.   We can begin adjusting that formula by multiplying the result by 100.   We can show the result in a separate column or revise the existing ratio.   Be sure to separate every function in Excel with parentheses.   Now the formula becomes '= (C2/B2)*100' and the result is 82.20388 for the first ratio.   To represent that ratio as a whole number, we add the Round function to the front of the formula =Round ((and indicate the number of places to round by adding a ',' and a '0'.   The final formula appears as "=ROUND((C2/B2),0)".   The number of places to round are indicated by the size of the number, to the right is indicated by positive numbers (greater than zero), with the sign assumed, and to the left by negative numbers (less than 0).

=ROUND((C2/B20,0)   -> 82

=ROUND((C2/B20,1) -> 82.2

=ROUND((C2/B20,-1) -> 80




The median ratio will have to be reformatted now so that it doesn't show 9300%.   The average absolute deviation has already been rounded along with the ratios.



It is good practice to label calculated results for future reference.