Registration now open for virtual Mass Appraisal Symposium
Registration is now open for the virtual Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium, presented by IAAO and the International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) on June 26-27.
The symposium, covering “Challenges & Opportunities,” will be offered virtually on June 26-27. The program will have eight topic areas and individual sessions under each area. The topic areas are:
  • Mass appraisal I & II

  • Emerging developments in valuation

  • Technology and innovation

  • Use of data and other challenges

  • Property tax administration

  • Leadership and ethics

  • Reviews and appeals

Registration fees are $219 USD for IAAO and IPTI members outside of Canada, and for groups of five or more from the same nonmember organizations. Rates for IAAO and IPTI members in Canada are $295 CAD. Nonmember rates are $284 USD for those outside of Canada and $385 CAD for Canadian nonmember registrants. 
Registration Fees Attendees from outside Canada Attendees from Canada
IAAO/IPTI Members* $219 USD $295 CAD**
Nonmembers $284 USD $385 CAD**
*or for groups of five or more from the same organization.
**plus HST
IAAO has approved the symposium sessions for 8.5 continuing education hours. Attendees may register directly online or, for more information, contact Confirmation will be forwarded after receipt of the registration fee.
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