
June 18 WIN'ing conversation call with
President Malmquist on strength and influence
   The June "Women's Initiative Network (WIN): WIN'ing Conversations" will cover a candid conversation with IAAO President Rebecca Malmquist, CAE, on unveiling strength and influence.
    The Women’s Initiative Task Force presents the interactive virtual conversations, and at noon Central on Tuesday, June 18, Chesney Leafblad, chief deputy assessor for Warren Township, Illinois, will conduct a candid interview with President Malmquist about authenticity as a leader and navigating the challenges of gender bias and inequality in the workplace.
   Also to be covered is whether work-life balance is attainable and what role mentorship and networking has played in her career development.
   These questions, and more, will be answered in this one-hour interview. The conversations are free and registration is open. More information and a registration link are below.
The Task Force is working on setting up future web presentations. To keep up to date on future calls, sign up for the mailing list.
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