IAAO considers its representatives to be some of the most important members in the association. They are the “eyes, ears, and voice” of the Association, and provide the “grass roots” support. Because of the commitment to the mission and goals of the association, representatives have been appointed to a unique group. IAAO Representatives are expected to:
Disseminate information about IAAO, including educational programs.
Recruit new members.
Assist in retaining current members.
Serve as the “voice” of IAAO amongst all members and IAAO leadership, including the Board of Directors.
Bring information and concerns of the Chapters, Affiliates, States, and Provinces to the attention of IAAO leadership and staff.
Members are the lifeblood of the association, and with representative's help IAAO will continue to recruit and retain members who are equally supportive of the mission and goals of IAAO.
(Full Contact Information - Member's Only)
We encourage Reps to communicate with IAAO regarding membership activities in their state and local areas, and to also stay in communication with fellow Reps.
Interested in joining IAAO? Look for an IAAO Rep in your area, they will be able to answer many of your questions about IAAO Membership!
Use this form to request the IAAO booth, banner, promotional items and printed materials.
Remember, Representative reports are due within 30 days after the quarter has ended. The schedule is:
Reporting Schedule
1st Report
January 1 - March 30
Report Due April 1
2nd Report
April 1 - June 30
Report Due July 1
3rd Report
July 1 - September 30
Report Due October 1
4th Report
October 1 - December 31
Report Due January 1
Representatives should automatically submit reports by completing the report form, and forwarding it as directed. Representatives receive 100 points just for submitting a report!