Rules and Procedures for Proctoring a Designation Examination

Proctoring Rules

  1. The proctor should request identification of the examinee, if the proctor does not know the examinee personally.
  2. The examinee should be provided a desk or table in a quiet, private atmosphere. If the examinee leaves the room during the examination for any reason, all examination materials must be turned over to the proctor until the examinee returns.
  3. The proctor should not leave the room any time during the examination session without first securing the exam materials.
  4. The responsibility of proctoring and mailing the examination may not be transferred to any other individual.
  5. A stand-alone calculator is the only permitted electronic device. For calculators capable of storing formulas, the proctor must confirm all formulas have been cleared from memory.
  6. The examinee is not allowed to use reference materials, notes, or books during the examination. The examination space should be free of all items, including cell and smart phones, books, papers, briefcases, backpacks, and like items. Blank paper approved by the proctor can be used for scratch paper. CMS candidates may have the items specified under the Examination Description section below.
  7. Examinees of 8-hour exams are allowed to break for lunch if they choose (maximum: one hour), but they should not leave the general area or gather in groups. The time taken for a lunch break should not be deducted from the eight‐hour limit. We recommend to examinees that they bring their lunch and eat during the examination.
  8. The proctor is not authorized to examine the examination materials except to check that all of the exam items are enclosed in the return envelope, including the answer sheet and any scratch paper used. The proctor is not to prompt the examinee in any fashion or to provide explanations regarding the data or questions on the examination. The proctor is not to advise the examinee to “skip” a question even if the examinee doubts the validity of a question. If the examinee doubts the validity or clarity of a question, the Professional Development Committee invites comments from exam proctors.
  9. Should cheating be discovered, the proctor should stop the examination at once and write a full account of the particulars for the Professional Development Committee.
  10. Under no circumstances may the examination be disassembled, copied or duplicated in any fashion. Doing so will void the exam results and disciplinary action may be imposed by the Ethics Committee.
  11. After the examination is graded, examinees will be notified promptly by e-mail. Candidates may sit for the exam twice. Study points are provided if the examinee fails the first attempt. The examination may be retaken after 30 days. A third attempt is possible with a 180 day waiting period.

Mailing and Security Procedures

  1. The examination will be shipped via UPS to the proctor within ten days of the date of the examination. The shipment will include one examination packet per examinee, a proctor certification form for each examinee, and a copy of these rules.
  2. The examination packet, a large white envelope containing the exam booklets/materials and answer sheet(s), will be stamped “confidential to be opened only by” followed by the proctor’s name. The packet is to remain sealed and stored in a secure location until the exam session. The packet can only be opened in the presence of the examinee.
  3. At the examination session, the proctor should fill out the proctor certification form completely, noting the precise start and end times of the exam session for each examinee.
  4. Upon completion of the examination, the examinee is to place the examination, all scratch paper used, and the answer sheet(s) in the return envelope.
  5. Prior to the materials being returned, the bubble answer sheet(s) and proctor certification form(s) should be scanned and then emailed to For exam security, do not include the candidate on this email and delete the file from your storage drive. Any results prepared from these scanned forms for the candidate will be considered tentative until original documents and materials are received.
  6. Prior to sealing the envelope, the proctor should check the contents, which should include the proctor certification form.
  7. The proctor must seal the return envelope(s) and sign over the flap in the presence of the examinee(s).
  8. Exam packets should be mailed within 24 hours of the exam session by directly depositing them in a postal box. Do not use internal mail procedures within your office, if available.

Case Study Examination Descriptions

Assessment Administration (AAS)

The Case Study Examination on Assessment Administration is a one-hundred question multiple‐choice examination contained in two booklets. One booklet, called the “Data Booklet,” contains the information and data needed for the examination. The other booklet, called the “Question Booklet,” contains the examination questions themselves. Each question of the examination is worth one point. The time limit for this examination is eight hours, excluding a lunch break.

Mass Appraisal of Income-Producing Property (CAE Commercial Project)

The Case Study Examination on the Mass Appraisal of Income‐Producing Property is a seventy-five multiple choice examination contained in two booklets. One booklet, call the “Data Booklet” contains the information and data needed for the examination. The other booklet, called the “Question Booklet,” contains the examination questions themselves. The time limit for this examination is eight hours, excluding a lunch break.

Personal Property (PPS)

The Personal Property Case Study Examination is a one-hundred question multiple choice examination contained in two booklets, Part I and Part II, and a “Data Booklet,” containing the information and data needed for the examination. The “Question Booklets” include a Part I and Part II IAAO Examination Form on which all responses are to be entered by the examinee. Each question in Part I and II of the examination is worth one point. The time limit for this examination is eight hours, excluding a lunch break.

Residential Property (RES & CAE Residential Project)

The Residential Case Study Examination is a one-hundred question multiple choice examination contained in two booklets. One booklet, call the “Data Booklet” contains the information and data needed for the examination. The other booklet, called the “Question Booklet,” contains the examination questions themselves. The time limit for this examination is eight hours, excluding a lunch break.

Cadastral Mapping (CMS)

The Case Problem Examination on Cadastral Mapping consists of seven items, plus graph paper:

Exam 20010Exam 20020
27 Deeds25 Deeds
Part 1 Base MapPart 1 Base Map
Part 2 Base MapPart 2 Base Map
Part 3 Base MapPart 3 Base Map
Part 3 Project MapPart 3 Project Map
Madison Estates PlatHoliday Anders Plat
Strawberry Fields PlatStrawberry Fields Plat

The time limit for this examination is eight hours, excluding a lunch break. The following items are to be used, furnished by the examinee:

  • Eraser and erasing shield
  • Lead pencils and colored lead pencils
  • Eraser and erasing shield
  • Metal or plastic straight edges
  • Protractor
  • Land compass template
  • Bow compass
  • 45° and 60° triangles
  • Engineer scale
  • Scrap paper
  • Graph paper (Provided)
  • Calculator

Comprehensive/Master Examination Descriptions

AAS Master Exam

The Master Examination on Assessment Administration is a seventy-five question multiple‐choice examination contained in one booklet. Each question of the examination is worth one point. The exam packet includes an answer sheet in which all responses are to be entered by the examinee. The blank pages of the exam booklet can be used as scratch paper or the proctor may provide blank paper. The time limit for this examination is four (4) hours and it should not be necessary for the examinee to have a break before completing the examination.

CAE Comprehensive Exam

The CAE Master Examination is a one-hundred question, multiple‐choice examination contained in one booklet. Each question of the examination is worth one point. The exam packet includes an answer sheet in which all responses are to be entered by the examinee. The blank pages of the exam booklet can be used as scratch paper or the proctor may provide blank paper. The time limit for this examination is eight (8) hours, exclusive of a lunch break.

MAS Master Exam

The MAS Master Examination is a fifty question, multiple‐choice examination contained in one booklet. Each question of the examination is worth one point. The exam packet includes an answer sheet in which all responses are to be entered by the examinee. The blank pages of the exam booklet can be used as scratch paper or the proctor may provide blank paper. The time limit for this examination is four (4) hours, and it should not be necessary for the examinee to have a break before completing the examination.

PPS Master Exam

The PPS Master Examination is a fifty question, multiple‐choice examination contained in one booklet. Each question of the examination is worth one point. The exam packet includes an answer sheet in which all responses are to be entered by the examinee. The blank pages of the exam booklet can be used as scratch paper or the proctor may provide blank paper. The time limit for this examination is four (4) hours, and it should not be necessary for the examinee to have a break before completing the examination.

RES Master Exam

The RES Master Examination is a fifty question, multiple‐choice examination contained in one booklet. Each question of the examination is worth one point. The exam packet includes an answer sheet in which all responses are to be entered by the examinee. The blank pages of the exam booklet can be used as scratch paper or the proctor may provide blank paper. The time limit for this examination is (4) four hours, and it should not be necessary for the examinee to have a break before completing the examination.

CMS Master Exam

The master examination for Cadastral Mapping Specialist designation is a fifty question, multiple‐choice examination contained in one booklet. Each question of the examination is worth one point. The exam packet includes an answer sheet in which all responses are to be entered by the examinee. The blank pages of the exam booklet can be used as scratch paper or the proctor may provide blank or graph paper. The time limit for this examination is four (4) hours. It should not be necessary for the examinee to have a break before completing the examination. The same items used in the case problem exam may be used for the master exam (see above list).

If the proctor has any questions regarding the proctoring of the examination, contact the Professional Designation Program at (816) 701‐8100 or