In November 2018 IAAO members voted to approve revised Bylaws (which incorporated the previous IAAO Constitution) and Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation.

Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation

The IAAO Articles of incorporation are a set of formal documents filed with a government body to legally document the creation of the association.


Bylaws are the important rules that enable an organization to operate in an orderly manner. They are less rigid than constitutional provisions but more rigid than procedural rules. Bylaws are a new component in the operation of the IAAO. The sources from which they have been compiled include the IAAO Constitution, the former Policies and Procedures Manual, and the recommendations of the Infrastructure Review Committee’s report. Bylaws cannot be waived, suspended, or ignored. 

Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

As a matter of fundamental principle, IAAO members should adhere to the highest ethical standards. Public trust in our performance is the foundation of our credibility. Assessment professionals support IAAO because they trust us to be good stewards of their resources, to uphold rigorous standards of conduct and to serve as a catalyst for excellence in the assessment profession. Ethics complaint form.

Procedural Rules

Procedural Rules are the detailed guidelines for carrying out a specific procedure, policy, or program of the IAAO. These rules are promulgated and maintained by the Executive Board. They are the rules that are to be followed by subordinate groups designated by the Executive Board as the group having the responsibility for implementing and continuing a policy or program of the Association. The Procedural Rules also follow the basic structure and format of the IAAO Constitution.

Annual Financial Documents

Copies of historical Annual Reports, Audits, and tax forms.