Election Deadlines & Procedures

Congratulations on your interest in being a candidate for IAAO leadership! We have received the required documentation for your candidacy, and it has been provided to the Nominating Committee. For reference, listed below are important deadlines, a recap of the required documentation, as well as additional information relating to the candidacy and election process. I would invite you to call us any time with additional questions.

Important Deadlines

The Election Calendar for 2024 is attached. Please review it carefully, as IAAO must strictly adhere to these deadlines.

JULY 1Date by which Candidate Questionnaire and supporting materials, profile form and photo returned to HQ
AUGUST 25 – 28Candidates are introduced at the Annual Conference
NOVEMBER 1 – 15Balloting is conducted via online ballot
NOVEMBER 20Election results are certified
DECEMBER 7Campaign election reports must be filed with the Executive Director

When Candidates CANNOT Run

All candidates will be carefully considered. It is important to note, however, that candidates from the following states or province CANNOT run for Board of Directors regular positions that begin in 2024, as there are already sitting regular board members from these states and provinces: Georgia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Manitoba, and Virginia.This does not apply to the officer positions.

Staff Support:
Your staff contact for questions on election matters relating to filing of the Candidate Questionnaire and related documents is Shawn Chevreux, Senior Director, Membership (chevreux@iaao.org). You may also contact the Nominating Committee Chair Todd Bergren (tbergren@catalisgov.com).

Your First Step – The Candidate Questionnaire

Go online at www.iaao.org and fill out the candidate questionnaire. The Candidate Questionnaire and supporting documents (Candidate Profile and Photo) must be submitted no later than July 1, 2024.

Your Next Step – Candidate Profile Form

The Candidate Profile Form is also submitted online. This candidate profile will be posted on the IAAO Website and printed in the Fair+Equitable magazine. Please note the following rules regarding the profile:

  • Your profile must be 1,800 characters or less (See attached info from IAAO’s procedural rules).
  • Endorsements will not be listed in the profile material.
  • You must provide a photo for the candidate profile brochure:
    • head shot
    • color preferred
    • electronic photo in a .jpg or .tif format, 300 dpi or greater.

You must submit your candidate profile and photo by July 1, 2024. It is to your advantage to send it as early as possible so any issues can be addressed.

Interview Process

Candidate interviews will NOT take place at the conference. The Nominating Committee will review all of the information from candidates and decide whether or not an interview is necessary. The candidate will be notified on or before August 1 as to whether their name will appear on the slate. The slate will formally be announced at the Annual Conference, August 25-28, in Denver.

Promoting Your Candidacy

Once the Nominating Committee has chosen the slate, candidates will be provided with options for promoting their candidacy.

2024 Electronic Voting

All IAAO members in good standing will be able to vote electronically November 1-15, 2024. Regular Members will vote for the Regular Board Member and Officer positions and Associate members will vote for an Associate Board member.

Should you submit the necessary information for candidacy and later encounter circumstances that will prevent you from running or make you ineligible for the position you are seeking, please notify Shawn Chevreux (chevreux@iaao.org), or the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Todd Bergren (tbergren@catalisgov.com), as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact IAAO at 816-701-8100.