IAAO Strategic Plan

Future Assessment 2025 — the IAAO Strategic Plan — was approved by the IAAO Board of Directors in May 2021 following extensive work by the Strategic Plan Task Force and members of IAAO team in Kansas City. The new plan includes an updated mission statement, which was approved by IAAO members in the November 2021 elections, as part of changes to the IAAO Bylaws.

Mission Statement

The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) is a global community of diverse mass appraisal professionals advancing fair and equitable property appraisal, assessment administration, and property tax policy through professional development, research, standards, and technical assistance.

Core Values

  • We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • We embrace transparency, integrity, honesty, and stewardship of resources.
  • We respect the worth and dignity of all individuals.
  • We are dedicated to excellence in assessment administration and the property tax system worldwide.
  • We are accountable to the public good.
  • We encourage the appropriate use of technology and tools for fair and equitable assessment administration.


IAAO is to be recognized as a diverse and inclusive global leader and preeminent source of standards, professional development, and research in mass appraisal, technical assistance, assessment administration, and property tax policy.

Goals & Objectives


IAAO will empower and guide the global mass appraisal community on their professional development path with personalized education and credentialing options in mass appraisal, assessment administration, and property tax policy.


  • Increase the diversity of IAAO’s instructor base to reflect the communities they serve
  • Strengthen IAAO instructor competencies 
  • Implement programs and operations to improve speed to competency for IAAO students 
  • Increase access to education regardless of a student’s location, technological, financial, and personal limitations
  • Increase opportunities for individuals to earn designations
  • Provide education and training for learners in the use of assessment technology tools
  • Continue to update and/or create courseware for IAAO students


IAAO will be a diverse and inclusive global community of engaged professionals in the areas of mass appraisal, assessment administration, and property tax policy.


  • Establish mechanisms to measure and increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within the IAAO Community
  • Define the structure and function of Chapters and Affiliates
  • Increase volunteer opportunities at IAAO
  • Increase the number of members who belong to both IAAO and an IAAO Chapter
  • Develop deeper engagement within the IAAO community
  • Become the global hub on technology, trends, and resources in mass appraisal


IAAO will maintain the best source of information, public relations, and research and standards used to advocate on behalf of the overall profession and diversity of individuals engaged in the fields of mass appraisal, assessment administration, and property tax policy.


  • Develop communication strategies and value statements that describe the value of IAAO designations and education for individuals, employers, and communities
  • Develop a communication campaign that advocates the value of a professionally trained and diverse community of mass assessment professionals for target audiences, which includes the public, legislators, regulators, media, and industry partners
  • Develop partnerships with leading global and domestic organizations
  • Ensure that all IAAO media and communications content is kept current and up-to-date
  • Ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are woven into print and electronic communication vehicle
  • Ensure that all critical Intellectual Property is protected and preserved


IAAO will maximize its potential in existing markets utilizing current offerings and also identify the unmet needs of the core mass appraisal market segment, which includes individuals, jurisdictions, and other defined stakeholders.


  • Determine the role of Professional Consulting Services (PCS) as it relates to the mission and vision of IAAO
  • Focus all IAAO products and services to solve identified and valuable needs of members, customers, partners, and other defined stakeholders
  • Demonstrate IAAO as essential to business partners and other stakeholders in the mass appraisal marketplace
  • Establish a fund dedicated to research and development and new initiatives
  • Ensure that IAAO is relied upon by the global mass appraisal community as the resource of choice for research and standards in mass appraisal