IAAO General Expense Reimbursement Policy
It is the policy of IAAO to reimburse the expenses of its employees and volunteers who engage in authorized travel on its behalf. IAAO will reimburse reasonable, necessary, and appropriately documented out of pocket expenses incurred in connection with IAAO business and meetings. Any items not included in these guidelines and deemed necessary to conduct IAAO business or deviate from these guidelines due to extenuating circumstances may be approved by the Executive Director or by the Board Treasurer. (For direct deposit of reimbursements, complete and return the direct deposit form to IAAO.)
Direct Deposit FormGeneral Guidelines
- IAAO business meetings and travel are approved as part of the annual budget process.
- IAAO does not reimburse expenses of a personal nature.
- IAAO does not provide honorarium for business travelers.
- IAAO will not reimburse expenses incurred by spouses, domestic partners or guests.
- In accordance with IRS requirements, reimbursement requests must be supported and documented with detailed receipts. In the absence of a detailed receipt, a missing affidavit expense receipt form will need to be submitted.
- Expense reports must indicate purpose of travel and must be submitted within 14 days after the meeting.
- IAAO encourages virtual meetings whenever feasible to accomplish committee and task force work.
- Employees must have prior authorization from their supervisor and or Executive Director if it’s outside of their job description to travel and incur expenses.
- TSA PreCheck is reimbursable for those who travel on behalf of IAAO an expected five times or more annually.
- Gratuity is reimbursable up to 20% for meals and taxi/shuttle services, $2 per bag for bag services, and $3 per night for hotel room cleaning services.
- IAAO will only reimburse coach economy class airfare and should be booked well in advance to take advantage of lower fares .
- IAAO will approve expense reimbursement for a one-class below business class upgrade for flights over four hours unless there are only two classes available for that airline in this case business class is eligible.
- IAAO will allow for a one-class upgrade in airline or train travel for medical reasons to be approved by the Treasurer or President.
- IAAO will not reimburse for overweight baggage, seat selections and extra leg room fees , HOWEVER, IAAO will reimburse all fees for up to 3 pieces of luggage for travel greater than 4 days.
- IAAO does not reimburse for supplemental travel insurance.
- Rental cars must have prior approval by the Treasurer or President.
- Airport parking is reimbursable and expected to be economy parking and self-park.
- Ground transportation including toll fee is reimbursable.
- Mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS standard mileage rate in effect at the time of travel.
- Fines for traffic violations are not reimbursable.
- Other modes of travel is reimbursable up to the amount incurred if the most economical method was used.
- IAAO negotiates room rates with hotels for board and committee meetings.
- IAAO will send out meeting notifications and will include information for lodging.
- IAAO will reimburse lodging if not provided by IAAO. Maximum rates for reimbursement will be the negotiated rate.
- IAAO does not reimburse for incidental expenses such as entertainment, personal phone calls, mini bar etc.
- Receipts must include a detailed breakdown of charges.
Meals and Miscellaneous
- IAAO will reimburse for meals including gratuity for a maximum of $30 for breakfast, $40 for lunch, $70 for dinner for a total of $140 per day. Travel day meal reimbursement is based upon actual arrival and departure time. For example, if the departure time for the outgoing trip is 2:00 PM, the maximum amount for reimbursement is $40 for lunch and $70 for dinner. In another example, if the traveler returns home by 3:00 PM, the maximum amount is $30 for breakfast and $40 for lunch.
- IAAO does not reimburse for alcohol purchases.
- If a meal is provided by IAAO as part of a meeting, no reimbursement will be made for substitute meals.
- Reimbursement for reasonable incidental expenses incurred during travel not described by this policy will be reimbursed with approval by the Board Treasurer or Board President if explained and documented as to the necessity of such expense.