
IAAO partners with local sponsoring agencies and educational coordinators in offering IAAO courses and has developed an Education Manual to assist these coordinators with understanding their role and responsibility in hosting IAAO courses. The manual serves as a useful resource regarding the administrative duties and specific rules and regulations. As a coordinator, you will want to read this manual to familiarize yourself with the IAAO organization.

Instructors are required to meet stringent criteria prior to their name being placed on this list. For specifics on this criteria, see Instructor Roles and Responsibilities.

IAAO Instructor List – features a list of approved Instructors to assist coordinators in finding qualified national instructors. (Please note: Due to privacy concerns some instructors may not appear on this list. For a complete list, please contact the Professional Development Department.)

Program Fee Schedule – IAAO Course, Workshop and One Day Forum fee schedule provides the per student cost for both Certified and Contract courses scheduled to take place prior to December 31, 2025. 

Education Program Application – This application is used for all certified programs, contract programs, and One Day Forums.  Additional information on educational offerings:

  • Certified Programs: The sponsoring agency is responsible for securing the instructor and is responsible for all expenses and honoraria incurred by and for the instructor. The instructor must be IAAO approved. Sponsoring agency handles all registration and arranges classroom facilities. IAAO ships all materials and requested texts.
  • Contract Programs: The IAAO assigns one qualified instructor for the class and pays a flat fee. Sponsoring agency handles all registration and arranges classroom facilities. IAAO ships all materials and requested texts. There is a minimum class size of 25 students.
  • One Day Forum: Beginning September 23, 2019, One Day Forums no longer require pre-payment. The sponsoring agency is responsible for securing the instructor and for all expenses and honoraria incurred by and for the instructor. Sponsoring agency handles all registration and arrange classroom facilities. IAAO ships all materials.

If you need assistance or have questions about the items on this page, please contact the Professional Development Department at or 816-701-8100. Office hours are 8:00 am–5:00 pm CST.