
View information about all of our available course here.

Courses: Thirty hours of instruction and a final examination.

Course 101 – Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding and working knowledge of the procedures and techniques required to estimate the market value of vacant and improved properties. This course concentrates on the skills you need to estimate the market value of properties using two approaches to value: the cost approach and the sales comparison approach. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet. This course is also available as a Self Study Course.

View Available Courses – Course 101

Recommended textbook: Property Assessment Valuation (PAV) (3rd edition)
AQB approved: 33 hours CE with exam / 30 hours CE no exam
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 102 – Income Approach to Valuation

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding and working knowledge of the procedures and techniques required to estimate the market value of vacant or improved properties by the income approach. This course covers real estate finance and investment, capitalization methods and techniques, analysis of income and expenses to estimate operating income, selection of capitalization rates, and application of the approach. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet. This course is also available as a Self Study Course.

View Available Courses – Course 102

Recommended prerequisites: Course 101
Recommended textbook: Property Assessment Valuation (PAV)  (3rd edition)

AQB approved: 33 hours QE, 33 hours CE with exam / 30 hours CE no exam
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 112 – Income Approach to Valuation II

This course is an intermediate level course designed for the practicing appraiser and builds on IAAO Course 102 training. An understanding of the income approach to value and practical experience with income capitalization are essential prerequisites. Problem solving requires a calculator with a power key. This course makes extensive use of financial compounding and discounting techniques. Emphasis is on developing financial factors by way of electronic devices with slight references to pre-printed tables. Forecasting income patterns and property value changes are prominent variables used in estimating present values. Formula driven models are the primary appraisal tools. Market value estimates through yield capitalization are the principal focus of the course. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 112

Recommended prerequisites: Course 101, Course 102
Recommended textbook: Property Assessment Valuation (PAV) (3rd edition)

AQB approved: 33 QE, 33 hours CE with exam / 30 hours CE no exam
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 201 – Appraisal of Land

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding and working knowledge of the procedures and techniques required to estimate the market value of land. This course concentrates on the skills necessary for estimating land value primarily using the sales comparison approach. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 201

Recommended prerequisites: Course 101, Course 102
Recommended textbook: Property Assessment Valuation (PAV) Textbook (3rd edition)
AQB approved: 33 hours CE with exam / 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 300 – Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal

This course provides an introduction to mass appraisal and is a prerequisite for the IAAO 300-level course series. Topics covered include single-property appraisal versus mass appraisal, components of a mass appraisal system, data requirements and analysis, introduction to statistics, use of assessment ratio studies in mass appraisal, modeling of the three approaches to value, and selection of a mass appraisal system. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet. This course is also available as a Self Study Course.

View Available Courses – Course 300

Recommended prerequisites: Course 101, Course 102
Recommended textbook: Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal (FMA) 

AQB approved: 33 hours CE with exam / 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 311 – Real Property Modeling Concepts

The Real Property Modeling Concepts course presents a detailed study of the mass appraisal process as applied to residential and income-producing properties. Topics covered include a comparison of single-property appraisal and mass appraisal, the major steps in the mass appraisal process, data requirements, market analysis, use of sales ratio studies, cost approach, sales comparison approach, gross and net income analysis, capitalization rate development, model specification and calibration, valuation review techniques and maintenance. Please note: former 311 (Residential Modeling Concepts) and 312 (Commercial/Industrial Modeling Concepts) have been redesigned into this one 5-day course. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 311

Recommended prerequisites: Course 300
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 331 – Mass Appraisal Practices and Procedures

This course is designed to build on the subject matter covered in Course 300 – Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal and prepares students to take advanced mass appraisal courses. In this course, students will learn how to use Excel and SPSS to analyze and apply data.  Much of the emphasis in this course is on data accumulation and analysis using the cost approach. Along the way, students will learn how to use Excel graphing and analysis tools for ratio studies and cost schedules. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 331

Recommended prerequisites: Course 300
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 332 – Modeling Concepts

This course introduces and explains the fundamentals of mass appraisal model building. This course includes a large number of demonstrations and labs using Excel, which is capable of producing basic models for a limited number of variables. This course serves as a foundation and bridge to IAAO’s two follow-up model building courses: 333 (residential modeling) and 334 (commercial modeling). For more information this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 332

Recommended prerequisites: Course 300 and a solid working knowledge of Excel (Click the link to assess your readiness)
Recommended textbook: Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal (FMA)
AQB approved: 33 QE, 33 CE with Exam / 30 hours CE no exam
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 333 – Residential Model Building

This course focuses on mass appraisal model building for residential properties. Along with problems and illustrations, this course uses hands-on labs and exercises along with real-world data to answer questions and construct data transformations, price trends, land and improved residential models, and ratio analyses. The course uses IBM’s statistical software package, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), the most common statistical software package used by assessors. For more information on this course, please review the Course Information Packet

View Available Courses – Course 333

Recommended prerequisites: Course 300 and a solid working knowledge of SPSS
Recommended textbook: Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal textbook (FMA)
Continuing education:  30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 334 – Application of Mass Appraisal to Non-Residential Properties

This course is IAAO’s advanced course on the mass appraisal of income properties, including non-residential land, apartments, offices, retail, and warehouse properties. The course begins with an overview of market forces affecting commercial properties, key data characteristics for each property type, market stratification, and assembling and screening income and other relevant market data. The course then discusses specification and calibration of non-residential models and features seven labs on the development sales comparison, cost, and income models for various property types. Three of the labs use Microsoft Excel and four use IBM’s Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Labs comprise of approximately two-thirds of the course. The course concludes with discussions of value review and defense and a comparable sales lab. Students will come away with a deep understanding of the use of modeling software to aid in the application of all three approaches to non-residential property valuation. For more information this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 334

Recommended prerequisites: Course 331 and/or 332 and one or more IAAO income courses (102 and 112); a working knowledge of Excel; prior exposure to SPSS or other statistical software is helpful but not assumed.
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 400 – Assessment Administration

This course provides an overview of fundamental management concepts for management and supervisory personnel in an assessor’s office and focuses on the need for management, and the responsibilities placed on the assessor and all supervisory personnel. The course introduces the four major management functions: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling with a separate chapter devoted to each function for more in-depth learning and discussion. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 400

Recommended prerequisites: Course 101
Recommended textbook: The Appraisal Foundation’s Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and Assessment Administration textbook
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 402 – Tax Policy

Think tax policy is boring? Think again. Certified IAAO instructors will lead students through interactive discussions and activities designed to get them thinking about tax policy as an applied topic within their jurisdictions. Course 402 equips learners with the ability to support the role and significance of property tax to policymakers and the public alike. The course provides students with tools and resources to help them explain the effects of property tax and a sound theoretical basis to guide decision-making and assist in creating workable solutions for their jurisdictions. If you interact with the public and policymakers, then Course 402 is for you. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet

View Available Courses – Course 402

Recommended textbook: Fundamentals of Tax Policy 
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 500 – Assessment of Personal Property

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding and working knowledge of the procedures and techniques required to assess personal property. This course concentrates on the skills necessary for listing, appraising and assessing the market value of properties using the three approaches to value: the cost approach, income approach and sales comparison approach. This course offers a broad mixture of theory and practical application. For more information about this course, please read the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 500

Recommended prerequisites: Course 101, Course 102
Recommended textbook: Property Assessment Valuation (PAV) (3rd edition) 
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 501 – Personal Property Auditing: Basic to Advanced

This course combines Workshop 552 and 553 material and provides a foundation for understanding basic financial records, specifically related to fixed assets. The balance sheet, depreciation schedule, and income statement are described and discussed in detail. Emphasis is placed on the pertinent data relevant to the personal property appraiser. In addition, the course expands to advanced discussions of accounting and auditing theory as it relates to fixed assets. Capitalization techniques are also discussed. A case study that includes sample financial records is used to “discover” fixed assets that may otherwise be hidden from the appraiser. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet.

View Available Courses – Course 501

Recommended prerequisites: Course 101, Course 102, Course 500
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 600 – Principles and Techniques of Cadastral Mapping

This course is designed as a comprehensive and interactive program that introduces entry-level map maintenance personnel and assessment technicians to the cadastral mapping field. Students will learn basic mapping principles and techniques and are expected to demonstrate basic skills that will allow you to plot deeded descriptions in both the metes and bounds land description and Public Land Survey systems. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet

View Available Courses – Course 600

Recommended prerequisite: Course 101
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.

Course 601 – Cadastral Mapping: Methods & Applications

This course is a continuation of the mapping science curriculum and exposes students to aspects of protocol and legal principles that are not featured in Course 600. For more information about this course, please review the Course Information Packet

View Available Courses – Course 601

Recommended prerequisite: Course 101, Course 600
Continuing education: 30 hours CE
Acceptance of continuing education hours varies by state or other licensing organization.  Please reach out to them for approval and/or recognition of CEUs prior to registering for IAAO education offerings.