Congratulations on your accomplishment! The hard work and time you have invested have brought you to this moment: the awarding of your designation. The following describes what you need to do next to receive your designation and what to expect as you transition from candidate to professional designee.
Next Step
Complete and submit the following two forms:
The Affidavit form is required; we cannot confer your designation without it. It’s quick to complete and you should submit this immediately.
Biographical Information
The Biographical Information form is optional but strongly encouraged. We use this to announce your accomplishment to your peers in the Fair and Equitable and social media outlets. A headshot photo is requested (optional); you should have this ready to upload when completing this form. You can also specify how you want your name printed on your designation certificate, if submitted in time.
What to Expect
After we receive your Affidavit, your designation will be scheduled to be conferred by the Professional Development Committee. These votes typically take place during the second week of each month. By the end of that month, your new designation will be added to your IAAO account, at which time you may begin using it as a professional credential. Your designation certificate and lapel pin will be shipped to you via UPS around the same time. New designations are then presented to the Board of Directors for recognition at their next regularly-scheduled quarterly meeting.
The Biographical Information Form will be used to write an announcement that will appear in Fair & Equitable and on our social media channels. These announcements typically appear within two to three months after receipt of your form and photo, depending on publication deadlines.
Credit hours are required to maintain and keep your professional designation. Your recertification cycle begins January 1 the year after your first designation is awarded and progresses in five year cycles thereafter. If you already hold an IAAO designation, there are no additional recertification requirements and your recertification cycle will not change.
Details on recertification can be found on our website here: Recertification
Annual Conference Recognition
Designees who recently received their designation are invited each year to be recognized on stage at our annual conference. Invitations to participate in this recognition are sent to each designee sometime in June or July of each year. Conference registration is required, so plan accordingly. Limited scholarships for financial assistance to attend conference are available.
Certificate Framing
IAAO has arranged professional framing services with Framing Success, the market leader in achievement framing. This is an excellent way to not only proudly display your accomplishment, but also to protect it. Frames are made from sustainably harvested hard wood and a tree is planted with every purchase. IAAO has chosen to waive its commission and pass the savings on to you. Many options and price points are available. Note that clicking the link above will take you to their website, which is independent of IAAO’s website. Framing is optional; your designation certificate will arrive in an IAAO padded certificate holder.