

Say that you meant to enter 125,000 in cell E4, but you entered 123,500 by mistake. Now you spot the error and want to correct it. There are two ways to do it:

What's the difference? Your convenience. You may find the formula bar, or the cell itself, easier to work with. If you are editing data in many cells, you can keep your pointer at the formula bar while you move from cell to cell by using the keyboard.

After you select the cell, the worksheet says Edit in the lower-left corner, on the status bar.

While the worksheet is in Edit mode, many commands are temporarily unavailable (these commands are gray on the ribbon).

What can you do? Well, you can delete letters or numbers by pressing BACKSPACE, or by highlighting (selecting) them and then pressing DELETE.

You can edit letters or numbers by highlighting (selecting) them and then typing something different.

You can insert new letters or numbers into the cell's data by positioning the cursor at an insertion point and typing.

Whatever you do, when you're all through, remember to press ENTER or TAB so that your changes stay in the cell.