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Building From Bias

The webinar will focus on the importance of how our profession interacts with all members of society. Having an awareness of what is meant by "implicit" or "unconscious" bias is critical from a professional or personal development perspective. The webinar will draw from an interdisciplinary perspective with built environment examples building on existing knowledge.

Eight Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Model Development

This webinar discusses eight mistakes that your jurisdiction should want to avoid when designing your model development process. It helps attendees understand best practices in how to configure systems for mass appraisal model development.

Finding New Blood

"In the next 5 to 10 years, our industry will lose 40% or more of the current workforce.” How do we find new people to get involved? In Michigan, a committee has been working to figure that out. Come and hear how we plan to draw some new blood into the assessing profession.

How Boulder County Manages Complex Deed Workflows to Improve

You might be spending more hours on ownership transfers than you think. After all, there is mapping work, exemptions review, mailings, sales qualification; various departments have to manage complex processes around each deed. Hear how Boulder County leveraged technology to go from being several months behind on transfers to fully caught up.

Making Marijuana Personal

A real-world approach to assessing commercial marijuana facilities. We will break down each of the 3 major facility types (grower, processor and dispensary) to show what you would expect to see in a typical facility including equipment, furniture and fixtures, and inventories and the values associated with each of them. The webinar, set for noon Central on Wednesday, April 3, will be presented by Bryan Shuck and is eligible for 1.5 CEU hours. The cost is $55 for IAAO members and $77 for nonmembers.

Multifamily Repurposing: Trend Or Craze & How It Makes Sense

With the multifamily market booming, increasing rents have had a significant effect when it comes to affordability. It has put pressure on the need for developers to find a creative way to supply multifamily housing that is affordable in an industry with rising land and construction costs. The webinar, set for noon Central on Wednesday, May 1, will be presented by Kelby Collier, AAS and is eligible for 1.5 CEU hours. The cost is $55 for IAAO members and $77 for nonmembers.

Possessory Interest: Yes, There is a Tax on That

The lease of government-owned property is assessable in California. Learn about the laws and valuation methodologies used in Los Angeles County.

Post Pandemic Senior Housing

Senior Housing joined the ranks of several commercial property use groups that were affected by the Pandemic. This webinar addresses specific topics that have created valuation issues for Senior Housing, such as operating characteristics, monthly/daily rates, occupancy, expenses, capitalization rates, and transaction volume.

Protecting Your Organization's Data from Disasters

The cyber incident response team for the El Paso Central Appraisal District in Texas presents a guide addressing standards and insights on how to obtain the security needed to protect your organization's data.

You’re Never Too Small: Income Approach Techniques in Small

In small jurisdictions (20,000 parcels or less) using the Income Approach can be a real challenge. During this webinar, expect to review and learn different techniques and strategies for gathering income and expense information, establishing cap rates, and building income models to value commercial properties.